The Duke of Edinburgh's Award

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award has been part of the schools extra curricular activities for over twenty years. It has been very successful with many students following it through from Bronze to Gold award.

We have over 100 students participating in the Bronze award, which is started in Year 10. The Gold award has about 30 students starting it in Year 12 and many complete it by the end of Year 13. At all levels it requires commitment and determination, and the skills gained through completing the award, at any level, contribute to our vision in which all students are supported and challenged as they grow in knowledge and confidence; enabling them to reach their full academic and personal potential.

Our expedition sections are supported by external instructors from an independent outdoor education provider. The Bronze expedition is usually based locally in the Silverdale, Arnside and Hutton Roof area. The Gold participants complete their training and expeditions in the Yorkshire Dales and Lake District areas.